Êtes-vous bien assuré(e)s ?

In France, ski rescue services are provided by qualified ski patrollers and are subject to a charge. Depending on what needs to be done, rescue services on the slopes can be expensive. For example (according to carreneige.com):

  • a helicopter rescue costs between €1800 and €3000 on average

  • a rescue operation on the slopes costs around 430€.

That's why we strongly recommend that our customers check the terms and conditions of their personal insurance policies or take out appropriate insurance, such as ‘Carré Neige’.

The Carré Neige guarantees

With ‘Carré Neige Classique’ insurance, you're covered for :

  • slope rescue costs

  • reimbursement of skilift passes* and ski lessons*

  • repatriation/ambulance costs

For just €3.30 per day / 19.80 for 6 days / 49€ for 4 seasons, benefit from the advantages of Carré Neige insurance.

* 50 € of franchise, deducted only once per case

Local, committed insurance

Carré Neige, with the support of the Savoie Ski Committee, has been supporting the training of future champions and the entire Savoie ski ecosystem for almost 30 years.

  • Help the champions of tomorrow by providing financial support to clubs, districts and the Savoie Ski Committee.

  • Training tomorrow's mountain leaders by supporting young Savoyards in their educational and sporting projects.