Terms of Service

DJ.24.217 v10

The present conditions of use (the ‘Conditions of Use’) govern the relationship between the company Société d'Exploitation de la Vallée des Belleville (‘Sevabel’), the operator of the ski lifts in the Les Menuires/Saint-Martin-de-Belleville ski area, and any person (the ‘User’) who:

  • Uses a transport ticket (a ‘Lift Pass’) allowing access to one or more ski lifts operated by Sevabel; or

  • Participates in an activity (an ‘Activity’) marketed by Sevabel.

By using a Lift Pass or taking part in an Activity, the User accepts without reservation these Conditions of Use


Sevabel is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) under French law with capital of €3,235,500.00, registered in the Chambéry Trade and Companies Register under number 353 065 964, and with the following intra-community VAT number: FR 02 353 065 964.

Its contact details are as follows:

  • Registered office address: 1349 avenue de la Croisette, Les Menuires, 73440 Les Belleville ;

  • Tel. : +33 (0)4 79 00 62 75 ;

  • Email : contact@skipass-lesmenuires.com.

Sevabel is insured by Allianz IARD (1 cours Michelet, CS 30051, 92076 Paris La Défense Cedex, France).

It is registered as an insurance intermediary agent under the Orias number 17007391.


The Lift Passes give access to all or part of the ski lifts operated by Sevabel and, for some of them, to all or part of the ski lifts in the Vallée des Belleville (area comprising the Les Menuires - Saint-Martin de Belleville, Val Thorens and, only in the winter season, Orelle ski areas) or the Trois Vallées (area comprising the Les Menuires - Saint-Martin de Belleville, Val Thorens, Orelle, only in the winter season, Méribel and Courchevel ski areas).

However, some ski lifts may be closed, with or without notice, in particular for weather or health reasons. Sevabel does not guarantee that all the ski lifts it operates will be open every day.

Access restrictions, linked for example to the age or physical condition of the User, may apply to certain ski lifts. These restrictions may be consulted at Sevabel's Points of Sale, on the https://www.skipass-lesmenuires.com website (hereinafter the ‘Website’), and when boarding each ski lift. It is the responsibility of the User to ensure that he/she is not affected by an access restriction. Any User concerned by an access restriction will be refused access to the ski lift in question. Neither the User nor the person who purchased the Lift Pass used by that User may claim any compensation whatsoever.

Access to ski lifts with a "pedestrian" Transport Ticket is strictly reserved for Users who are not carrying any sliding or rolling equipment, including but not limited to skis, snowboards, mountain bikes, scooters, or sleds, even if held by hand.

Access to a ski lift with a mountain bike is only possible if the following conditions are met:

  • The mountain bikes are on the list of vehicles authorised by the regulations displayed at the start of the ski lift;

  • The User is the holder of a Lift Pass allowing access to the ski lifts with a mountain bike. Access to the ski lifts with a mountain bike is not permitted:

    • Lift Passes issued for the winter season. However, the ‘2/7’, ‘3/7’, ‘SkiFlex’ and ‘unlimited season’ Lift Passes (except ‘unlimited pedestrian season’ Lift Passes) issued for the winter season allow access to the ski lifts with a mountain bike during the summer season.

    • For the summer season, ‘pedestrian’ Lift Passes.

During the winter season, Sevabel reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances, to provide mountain bikes with access to a ski lift that cannot normally be used with this equipment. Details of how to access this lift will be displayed at Sevabel's Points of Sale.

During the summer season, dogs can access the gondolas and chairlifts operated by Sevabel. In winter, dogs are only allowed on the gondola lifts. In all cases, they must remain under the care and control of an adult.

Lift Passes do not give Users priority access to any ski lift whatsoever. However, holders of a Mobility Inclusion Card (mentioning ‘priority’) or a ski instructor's professional card have priority access to ski lifts.

In order to facilitate the transmission of encoded information when the User passes through the ski lift access terminals, the Lift Pass must be worn on the left-hand side and preferably away from any mobile phone, keys or aluminium objects.

Users who are minors and not emancipated are under the responsibility of the person or persons exercising parental authority over them.


Restrictions on access, linked for example to the age or physical condition of the User, may apply to certain Activities. It is the User's responsibility to ensure that he/she is not affected by an access restriction. Any User subject to an access restriction will be refused access to the Activity in question, without the User or the person having booked the Activity for this User being able to claim any compensation whatsoever.

The ‘La Mine’ Activity is only open to Users meeting the following conditions:

  • Be at least 1.40 metres tall and at least 10 years old; or at least 1.10 metres tall, at least 5 years old, and accompanied on the sledge by an adult;

  • Be in possession of a valid pass for the Activity.

The ‘First Track’ winter activity is open to Users meeting the following conditions:

  • Be over 8 years of age;

  • If the User is a minor, be accompanied by an adult

  • Have a minimum ski level of 3rd star, class 2 (red runs);

  • Be in possession of a valid Lift Pass and Activity pass.

The ‘Mountain Kart’ summer activity is only open to Users meeting the following conditions:

  • Be at least 1.40 metres tall and at least 10 years old;

  • If the User is under 14 years of age, be accompanied on a second kart by a person of legal age;

  • Wear a helmet (supplied by Sevabel);

  • Be in possession of a valid pass to access the Activity.

The ‘Roc'n'Bob’ winter activity is only open to Users meeting the following conditions:

  • Be at least 7 years old;

  • If the User is under 10 years of age, be accompanied on the same sledge by an adult;

  • Wear a helmet (provided by Sevabel);

  • If the Activity takes place at night, wear a headlamp (provided by Sevabel);

  • Be in possession of a valid pass to access the Activity.

Access to the Activities is subject to availability. Access to the ‘Mountain Kart’ Activity may therefore be refused to a User holding an access pass for this Activity entitling him/her to several runs if no karts are available at the time he/she presents him/herself. The ‘Roc'n'Bob’ activity may be suspended in the event of poor snow conditions.

For the ‘First Track’ Activity, the participant must arrive at the time and place indicated on the Website (‘First Track’ section), with the confirmation email for the order of the Activity pass, as well as a valid Lift Pass.

Partially used access passes to an Activity do not give rise to compensation, the User is invited to make arrangements to complete the descents to which they are entitled before the end of their stay in Les Menuires.

Participation in an Activity involving the handing over of equipment to the User is subject to the handing over to Sevabel of an object of value (such as a mobile phone). This item will be returned once the equipment has been returned in good condition at the end of the Activity. If the equipment is not returned or is not returned in good condition, Sevabel reserves the right to take any action against the User.

Equipment delivered as part of an Activity must be returned on the same day as it was supplied to the User, at the place where it was delivered.

Equipment issued as part of the ‘Mountain Kart’ Activity may only be used on the track accessible from the top of the Roc 1 gondola.

Users under the age of majority are at all times the responsibility of the person(s) exercising parental authority over them.


The User must comply with the rules posted at the start of the ski lifts operated by Sevabel, as well as the instructions given to him by any member of Sevabel's staff when using these ski lifts. The User is also advised to respect the ‘ten rules of good conduct for users of the slopes’ published by the International Ski Federation.

The User must comply with the health regulations issued by the public authorities or by Sevabel in application of a decision by the public authorities. The applicable health protocol is displayed at Sevabel's Points of Sale and on the Website.

The User must refrain from any behaviour that undermines or is likely to undermine the safety, health and peace of mind of other users, Sevabel staff and Sevabel subcontractors (drunkenness, verbal or physical violence, consumption of alcohol or drugs, carrying weapons, shouting, use of equipment that produces excessive noise, jostling, overtaking in access queues, etc.) in the departure and arrival areas. ) on the departure and arrival areas of the ski lifts operated by Sevabel, as well as on these ski lifts. The User must also refrain from damaging the equipment operated by Sevabel.

In the event of failure to respect the above, Sevabel reserves the right to prohibit the User from accessing the ski lifts it operates, to inform any territorially competent judicial police officer and to take legal action against the User.


The User must be able to show Sevabel staff or any sworn inspector:

  • A valid Lift Pass, (in his/her name if it is a Lift Pass for products that are nominative), giving access to the ski lift used, and;

  • Proof of purchase of this Lift Pass (unless it is a not a nominative Lift Pass of the shortest duration and purchased at the highest rate) or proof of order for the Activity in which he/she is taking part;

  • Where applicable, the original document(s) proving that he/she meets the conditions to benefit from a Lift Pass or an Activity at a reduced or free fare.

In the event of a discrepancy between the information on the chip card on which the Lift Pass is encoded and the information recorded on the chip, the latter shall prevail.

If the documents listed above are not presented, the User will not be able to access the ski lift or the Activity, and will have to pay the price of the Lift Pass required to access the ski lift and/or the price of the Activity.

If the offence is detected by a sworn inspector, the User must also pay a fixed penalty equal to five times the value of the daily Lift Pass. The amount of this fixed penalty is rounded up to the nearest euro.

If the User is unable or unwilling to pay the fixed penalty immediately, the sworn inspector will draw up a statement of offence. He is then authorised to note the identity and address of the User. If the User refuses or is unable to prove his identity, the sworn inspector will immediately report the matter to any territorially competent officer of the judicial police, who may order the User to be brought before him immediately. This procedure is terminated immediately if the User pays all the sums due under the transaction. The User has a period of three months from the time the offence is detected to pay the amount of the transaction, including any amount corresponding to the price of the Lift Pass, the fixed penalty and the costs of processing the case (these costs amounting to €50 if payment is made more than 48 hours after the offence is detected). The User may also, within the same period, send a reasoned protest to Sevabel. If payment is not made within the aforementioned time limit and in the absence of a protest, Sevabel will send the infringement report to the Public Prosecutor and the User will automatically be liable for an increased fixed fine collected by the Public Treasury.

The User may have the Lift Pass of a third party withdrawn by a sworn inspector so that it can be returned to its true holder.

The fixed penalty is not payable in the event of failure to present proof of having purchased an Activity, unless the ticket for access to the Activity includes a Lift Pass.


Lift Passes and Activity tickets are personal and may not be transferred, whether in return for payment or free of charge, to any third party whatsoever. Any Lift Pass or Activity ticket that has been transferred in this way shall be deemed invalid.

As an exception, Lift Passes which are not in the name of the holder for the shortest period of time and which have been purchased at the highest fare are transferable. The new holder of the Lift Pass must, however, meet the conditions laid down by Sevabel (in particular age) in order to benefit from this Lift Pass.


In the event of loss or theft of the smart card on which the Lift Pass or Activity ticket is encoded, the User must report this loss or theft to a Sevabel Point of Sale if the Lift Pass or Activity ticket was purchased from Sevabel or one of its agents. He must then provide:

  • If the Lift Pass or Activity ticket has been purchased from Sevabel, the original proof of purchase of the Lift Pass or Activity ticket. In the case of purchases on the Website, the proof of purchase is the order confirmation e-mail;

  • If the Lift Pass or Activity ticket was purchased from a Sevabel agent (distributor, travel agent, etc.), the number of the smart card on which the Lift Pass or Activity ticket was encoded.

On presentation of this information, a new smart card will be issued immediately and the User will be charged €10 inc. tax in the winter season and €5 inc. tax in the summer season. This sum is non-refundable if the original smart card is found. The new smart card will entitle the User to a new Lift Pass or Activity ticket for the remaining duration of the original Lift Pass or Activity ticket..

Lost or stolen smart cards are immediately deactivated. They can therefore no longer be used, even if they are found.

In the case of Lift Passes for which ski days are invoiced, these days are invoiced to the purchaser of the Lift Pass as long as the loss or theft of the Lift Pass has not been reported, whether the Lift Pass was used by the legitimate holder or by a third party.

By way of exception, the following may not be replaced:

  • Lift Passes that are partially used and valid for less than one day (these conditions being cumulative);

  • Lift Passes that are partially used and valid for non-consecutive days (these conditions being cumulative);

  • Tickets for access to an Activity that are fully or partially used, even if this use is made by a person other than the legitimate holder.

If one of these Passes or tickets is lost or stolen, the User must purchase a new Lift Pass/ Activity ticket. They are invited to report the loss or theft of their Lift Pass/ticket immediately to one of Sevabel's Points of Sale, so that Sevabel can deactivate the Lift Pass/ticket.

If the Lift Pass or Activity ticket has been purchased from an entity other than Sevabel or one of its agents, the User must report the loss or theft of this Lift Pass or Activity ticket to this entity.


The smart cards on which a Lift Pass or an Activity ticket is encoded must not be folded, perforated, broken or placed near a source of heat.

If a smart card malfunctions, the User may return it to one of Sevabel's Points of Sale. Sevabel will replace it free of charge. However, if it turns out that the malfunction is attributable to the User's failure to comply with the Conditions of Use, the replacement of the card will be invoiced to the User at a rate of €10 (incl. VAT) in the winter season and €5 (incl. VAT) in the summer season.

If the smart card was supplied by an entity other than Sevabel or one of its agents, the User must contact this entity to obtain a replacement.


Photographic equipment is installed on certain ski lifts to enable Sevabel to ensure that the instructions for using the ski lifts are complied with and to count the number of Users using these ski lifts in order to facilitate any evacuation operations.

In addition, Users are automatically photographed during their journey on the Saint-Martin chairlift and during the ‘La Mine’ activity. They can obtain their photograph by e-mail, after entering their e-mail address at one of the terminals provided for this purpose at the top of the Saint-Martin chairlift and at the bottom of the slope of the ‘La Mine’ activity. There is a charge for obtaining a photograph taken during the ‘La Mine’ activity.


The company "Compagnie des Alpes" (RCS Paris 349 577 908) and Sevabel, a subsidiary of this company, are jointly responsible for processing personal data when Lift Passes and tickets for Activities are used.

This processing is described in the personal data protection policy available on the Website and at Sevabel's Points of Sale.

The person whose data is processed has a right of access to the data concerning him or her, a right to rectify and delete this data, a right to limit its processing and a right to object to this processing. He or she may exercise these rights by contacting Sevabel at the address given in Article 11.


Users may send any request or complaint concerning the processing of their personal data:

  • Either by post to the following address: Sevabel, Protection des données personnelles, 1349 avenue de la Croisette, Les Menuires, 73440 Les Belleville, France; Or

  • by e-mail to the following address: sevabel.privacy@compagniedesalpes.fr.

The User may send any other request or complaint, within two months of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the complaint:

If the User has suffered damage when using ski lifts operated by an operator other than Sevabel, he must address his claim to that other operator.

In the event of damage to any of their equipment (such as a ski suit, sliding equipment, etc.), a User who wishes to submit a compensation claim to Sevabel must establish that the damage occurred during a journey on a ski lift operated by Sevabel. To do so, the User must immediately notify a Sevabel agent after the incident so that a damage report can be issued.
The User must then submit a claim to Sevabel, including the agent's report, photographs allowing Sevabel to assess the damage, and the purchase invoice for the damaged equipment. The amount of compensation will take into account, among other factors, the depreciation and wear and tear of the equipment. The User shall not be entitled to compensation equal to the new replacement value of the equipment.

If the User sends Sevabel a claim for compensation due to damage to one of its items of equipment (wetsuit, ski equipment, etc.), it must establish that the damage occurred during a journey on a ski lift operated by Sevabel. He must also produce photographs enabling Sevabel to assess the damage, as well as the purchase invoice for the equipment. The age or wear and tear of the equipment will be taken into account when determining the amount of compensation. The User may not claim compensation equal to the replacement value of the equipment.

Finally, the User's attention is drawn to the fact that if, in addition to his/her Lift Pass, he/she carries a subscription card for a product such as Trois Vallées Liberté, Ski à la Carte, Skiflex, 2/7 or 3/7, his/her passage through the access control of a ski lift will be counted and will be automatically invoiced if the conditions applicable to this product so provide. The User may not claim any refund of this sum or of the price of the Lift Pass on the grounds that they have paid twice for the same service. The User is therefore advised not to carry a Trois Vallées Liberté, Ski à la Carte, Skiflex, 2/7 or 3/7 season ticket if they also have a Lift Pass.


In the event of a dispute between the User and Sevabel relating to the validity, interpretation or performance of the Conditions of Use, the User may have recourse, free of charge, to a mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method.

The User may have recourse to a mediation procedure with the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman (MTV - Médiation Tourisme Voyage, Service dépôt des saisines, CS 30958, 75383 Paris cedex 08, France - Tel: +33 (0)1 42 67 96 68 - Email: info@mtv.travel) in accordance with the procedures set out on the website https://www.mtv.travel and within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint submitted to Sevabel.

The Customer may also have recourse to the online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission, accessible on the website https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.

In the absence of an amicable settlement, the User may refer the matter either to one of the territorially competent courts under the French Code of Civil Procedure, or to the court in the place where the User resided at the time the contract was concluded or at the time the harmful event occurred.


The quantity of greenhouse gases emitted by the ski lifts operated by Sevabel is:

  • 34 g CO²e for a Lift Pass valid for one day and for the Les Menuires ski area, equivalent to a car journey of 0.135 km;

  • 116 g CO²e for a Lift Pass valid for one day and for the Les Trois Vallées ski area, equivalent to a journey of 0.46 km by car.

Basis of calculation: 100% renewable energy (i.e. 6 g CO²e/kWh); diesel car 140g/km, class C, current average.

For any further information, the User may contact: Sevabel, Quality, Safety and Environment Department, 1349 avenue de la Croisette, Les Menuires, 73440 Les Belleville, France..


These Conditions of Use apply from March 16, 2025.


Sevabel reserves the right to modify the Conditions of Use at any time.


In the event of any contradiction between the Conditions of Use in French and the Conditions of Use in another language, the Conditions of Use in French shall prevail.


These Conditions of Use are governed by French law.